The Path(s) Forward

David Haynes Tags: Ideate Inc.

Things have changed dramatically since early March 2020. We wonder if the world will get back to normal soon, or if the pandemic will change the way we do architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) projects. Here are thoughts from David Haynes, Director, Ideate Software...Read more

Ideate Divests Bluebeam Business; Focusing on BIM Solutions

Tags: Ideate Inc.

On January 14, 2020, Ideate, Inc. divested itself of all Bluebeam-related sales, support, and training activities in order to intensify efforts on providing excellent BIM solutions and services through Ideate Software and Modulus Consulting. The Bluebeam business has been transferred to U.S. CAD. ..Read more

The Path(s) Forward

David Haynes Tags: Ideate Inc.

Things have changed dramatically since early March 2020. We wonder if the world will get back to normal soon, or if the pandemic will change the way we do architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) projects. Here are thoughts from David Haynes, Director, Ideate Software...Read more

Ideate Divests Bluebeam Business; Focusing on BIM Solutions

Tags: Ideate Inc.

On January 14, 2020, Ideate, Inc. divested itself of all Bluebeam-related sales, support, and training activities in order to intensify efforts on providing excellent BIM solutions and services through Ideate Software and Modulus Consulting. The Bluebeam business has been transferred to U.S. CAD. ..Read more