Part 2: Re-examining Plumbing Fixture Calculations

Cesar Escalante Tags: Revit, Ideate BIMLink, Ideate Software, Microsoft Excel

In Part I we discussed the benefits and challenges of the various ways of calculating plumbing fixtures in Revit, including using Ideate BIMLink in.....Read more

Split a Revision Schedule in Revit

Cesar Escalante Tags: Revit

The ability to split a Revision Schedule has remained a long standing feature request. We can produce a fairly good workaround thru the use of.....Read more

Part I: Re-examining Plumbing Fixture Calculations

Cesar Escalante Tags: Revit, Ideate BIMLink, Ideate Software, Microsoft Excel

It may be reasonable to think that Revit could automate the calculation of plumbing fixtures from a given schedule of areas and occupancy loads..Read more