Balancing Transparency

David Haynes Tags:

There is a gentle balance between total transparency and 'black box mentality."..Read more

Six Strategies for Effective Leadership

David Haynes Tags:

What surprised me, and encouraged me, was that the strategies noted above can be applied to so much we do in life: work, home, relationships, hobbies.....Read more

Journey - Taking a Step

David Haynes Tags:

I learned that the first thing to do is to reduce the directions to take with the first step. Should I go north, south, east or west? If you know.....Read more

Six Strategies for Effective Leadership

David Haynes Tags:

What surprised me, and encouraged me, was that the strategies noted above can be applied to so much we do in life: work, home, relationships, hobbies.....Read more

Journey - Taking a Step

David Haynes Tags:

I learned that the first thing to do is to reduce the directions to take with the first step. Should I go north, south, east or west? If you know.....Read more