Dynamo and Revit 2017

Vasudha Dixit Tags: Dynamo, Revit

If you've installed Revit 2017, you will need to do a few things in order to see Dynamo in the Manage tab. Learn more here...Read more

Ideate Explorer for MEP Engineers

Vasudha Dixit Tags: Ideate Explorer, Ideate Software, Revit

Ideate Explorer is here to help with both daily production tasks and project auditing tasks that are unique to MEP engineers...Read more

Revit MEP 2016 Circuit Sequence Options

Vasudha Dixit Tags: Revit, Revit MEP

Circuit Sequencing Options is now on the Electrical Settings menu enabling users to specify the sequence in which the power circuits are created...Read more

Dynamo and Revit 2017

Vasudha Dixit Tags: Dynamo, Revit

If you've installed Revit 2017, you will need to do a few things in order to see Dynamo in the Manage tab. Learn more here...Read more