Translate Your Revit Project

Glynnis Patterson Tags: Ideate Software, Ideate BIMLink, Revit, Microsoft Excel

It took me about 20 minutes to translate a sample Revit project. The trick is to recognize the array of elements that represent “text.”..Read more

Ideate, Inc. Earns Autodesk Specializations

Tags: Ideate Inc., Press Release

As an Autodesk Specialized Partner, Ideate Inc. has shown that it has made a significant investment in its people, the company has a solid business plan.....Read more

Disassemble with Care: Assemblies in Revit 2012

Glynnis Patterson Tags: Revit, Ideate Explorer, Ideate Software

Autodesk identified an issue where an Assembly created in Revit 2012 that has also been tagged will cause a “serious error” if a Disassembly is attempted...Read more